What should I expect in my acupuncture treatments?

Our first treatment will be about an hour and a half. We will discuss your current health status, health history, and what a healthy life looks like for you. This allows me to have better understanding of you and your body so I am able to tailor the treatment specifically to you and your needs. Once I have asked all my questions and answered any questions you might have, you will receive your first treatment. To obtaining a healthy lifestyle we will look at all aspects of life including exercise (or movement), nutrition, work life, social life and mental emotional state. We will discuss how these different aspects might be effecting your physical health and how your physical health might be effecting other aspects of your life. Acupuncture affects our bodies from the inside out and lasting effects might require a series of treatments. The treatments following the first session will be about 45 minutes to an hour. In these treatments we will discuss how you are improving.

What does L.Ac mean?

L.Ac stand for Licensed Acupuncturist. This shows that your acupuncturist attended an accredited school and passed the board exams to legally practice acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In California, a licensed acupuncturist has a Masters of Traditional Oriental Medicine. This means your acupuncturist is trained in the theory of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture just happens to be one part of that. In school we are trained to discuss and educate our patients on lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, and more. We look at all aspects of life because all aspects affect our health. Most acupuncturists are trained as general practitioners and have knowledge in treating a large variety of health conditions. Different schools and different states vary in requirements. It’s best to ask your acupuncturist about his or her training and if they have any specialties.

What should I do to prepare for my first treatment?

Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat something within an hour prior to your treatment, either a meal or a snack. Some people feel tired after their first treatment, especially if it is the first time they are trying acupuncture. This is normal. You may want to avoid planning anything that is strenuous or stressful after your first treatment. Everyone is unique and responds differently to treatments, so this may not happen to you.

Is there anything I should avoid after my treatments?

The answer to this question varies depending on what is being treated. Everyone should make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid greasy foods and alcohol. Usually I recommend avoiding strenuous activities for the rest of the day as well. However, sometimes an easy walk and gentle stretching feels good.

Does it hurt?

This is one of the most common questions. You would think it might hurt because we are using needles. However, the needles are so small you barely feel them! You might feel a tiny prick, but that fades quickly. What most people feel is the movement of their qi. This is a good sign! The most common sensation is that tingly feeling you get just before your hand or foot falls asleep. This might feel strange, but again it’s a good sign! Our goal is to move our qi to restore balance, so when you feel this it’s your body reacting positively to the treatment. Everyone is different, so everyone experiences his or her qi differently. Some people feel cooler, some feel warmer, some feel itchy or heavy. All of these are good responses to your treatment! I will be communicating with you throughout your treatment so you will know what are good sensations to have and anything can be changed or altered at any time.